Thursday, April 5, 2012

Sexy Swimsuit Challenge- week 2 down

I lost 1 more lb this week, bringing my challenge total to 4.8 lbs and my total weight loss to 34lbs.

1. A picture of bathing suit how you want to do this is up to you but please let us know your current size and the size of the bathing suit (must be at least one size smaller) This is only needed for first and last post unless you want to show progress 

Check out the video below.

2. Official starting weight


3. You weight loss goal for this challenge (please be 20 lbs or more we have 92 days)


4. How you plan on achieving your weigh loss goal

 Weight Watchers, Zumba, and walking

5. Exercise and water intake if wanted (OPTIONAL EVERYTHING ELSE IS MANDATORY IN EVERY POST!!!)


  1. Great job!!! I hope you have yet another great week! You are doing awesome!

  2. Thanks. I wish it were more, but I'm hopeful for next week.

  3. Hey just a little reminder to link up between thursday 11:59 pm eastern and Sun 11:59 pm eastern. You didnt link up last week :( We thought you quit on us then I was like wait nooo I def commented on her update lol.
